Clinical Systems - Resources & Tools

RI Codes Review (1-hour remote service)
RI Codes Review (1-hour remote service)
Patients in residential care are allocated additional global sum weighting (1.43 factor).  This remote service will identify patients in care/residential homes and code them appropriately (if not already accurately coded) as well as training staff at the practice to ensure this they continue to code new registrations where appropriate. 

Due to the associated increase in workload for these patients, they do attract an increase in your global sum payments so it is essential they are coded accurately.
£ 180
Remote Clinical System Services Development - Hourly Rate
Remote Clinical System Services Development - Hourly Rate
Are you struggling with creating a search for a local enhanced service? Do you want to edit or create templates? How about creating a patient pop-up/alert for specific services? Remote dial-in services for clinical system development - creating/ editing data entry templates, creating searches, protocols, patient alerts, etc.
£ 180
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