QOF & Enhanced Services
QOF products including QOF Priorities Toolkit - a real-time ES forecast and outstanding workload. (Prices stated are including VAT)
QOF Priorities & Actions 2024/2025 (Members Only) - Spreadsheet & Remote Dial in

** This discounted product is available to Insight Members only **
To include the spread sheet & a REMOTE dial-in service - we will dial in and complete all your figures in the spread sheet and then talk you through your high priority areas.
As you enter the last quarter of the year do you understand what QOF activity you have outstanding and what work will give you the best return?
QOF Priorities is a simple form which will help you:
· Prioritise your workload to make the most of this last quarter
· Tell you how many patients you have left to achieve & what value this is worth to the practice
· Enable you to prioritise your QOF resources/workload
Cost of this service is: £75+VAT (£90.00)
£ 90
QOF Priorities & Actions 2024/2025 (Non-Members) - Spreadsheet & REMOTE dial in

To include the spread sheet & a REMOTE dial-in service - we will dial in and complete all your figures in the spread sheet and then talk you through your high priority areas.
As you enter the last quarter of the year do you understand what QOF activity you have outstanding and what work will give you the best return?
QOF Priorities is a simple form which will help you:
· Prioritise your workload to make the most of this last quarter
· Tell you how many patients you have left to achieve & what value this is worth to the practice
· Enable you to prioritise your QOF resources/workload
Cost of this service is: £100+VAT (£120.00)
QOF Priorities is a simple form which will help you:
· Prioritise your workload to make the most of this last quarter
· Tell you how many patients you have left to achieve & what value this is worth to the practice
· Enable you to prioritise your QOF resources/workload
Cost of this service is: £100+VAT (£120.00)
£ 120
QOF PREVALENCE BITESIZE - HF/HF LVSD/Osteoporosis/NDH Prevalence Remote 2024/25

You can still make a huge financial difference to your 2024/25 QOF income ...
The most problematic areas due to complex coding issues, validating these disease areas can increase your QOF prevalence income considerably -
Recent example:
· HF - 34 patients not on register - £1,203.14
· Review patients, check letters for diagnosis and code
· HF due to LVSD - 17 patients not on register - £847.56
· Most patients likely to have LVSD coded but not HF as well - add appropriate code
· Osteoporosis - 166 patients not on register - £1,916.09
· Most patients likely to have frailty fracture code missing, review and add code
· NDH - 21 patients not on register - £121
· Add diagnosis for NDH following high HbA1c
Total possible return on investment - £3,900
One of our expert consultants will dial-in remotely, identify patients missing off the above registers and show you how to accurately code/edit codes to ensure patients are included. This exercise will ensure you are not significantly de-valuing each point for these areas - if you have not validated these registers recently your missed income is likely to be thousands of £'s.The most problematic areas due to complex coding issues, validating these disease areas can increase your QOF prevalence income considerably -
Recent example:
· HF - 34 patients not on register - £1,203.14
· Review patients, check letters for diagnosis and code
· HF due to LVSD - 17 patients not on register - £847.56
· Most patients likely to have LVSD coded but not HF as well - add appropriate code
· Osteoporosis - 166 patients not on register - £1,916.09
· Most patients likely to have frailty fracture code missing, review and add code
· NDH - 21 patients not on register - £121
· Add diagnosis for NDH following high HbA1c
Total possible return on investment - £3,900
Once we have received your completed order and payment, a mutually convenient date/time will be arranged for the dial-in session to take place.
£ 180
Practice Prevalence Base-Line Report 2024/25

Practice Prevalence Base-Line Report - how does your practice prevalence compare to national prevalence? Based on your register totals, what is your QOF annual forecast for the current year?
This report will detail your average £ per point, your actual £ per point (prevalence weighted & non-prevalence weighted) and your annual QOF forecast for the current year. This will highlight where the practice is low in prevalence and potential issues which, once addressed, could increase your annual QOF income substantially.
NOTE: this product is free of charge to all Insight Members - annual subscriptions from £60 + VAT. To enquire about membership please email info@insightsol.co.uk.
This report will detail your average £ per point, your actual £ per point (prevalence weighted & non-prevalence weighted) and your annual QOF forecast for the current year. This will highlight where the practice is low in prevalence and potential issues which, once addressed, could increase your annual QOF income substantially.
NOTE: this product is free of charge to all Insight Members - annual subscriptions from £60 + VAT. To enquire about membership please email info@insightsol.co.uk.
£ 50
Enhanced Service Tracker 2024/25 (Members Only)

This tool will simply record the claims you have submitted and the payments you should expect to receive. Once payments are received you can then check them via the tracker rather than having to find them on CQRS. Recording all this information in one place will help you to track what you have/haven’t claimed throughout the year and your income throughout the year for all enhanced services - you can also add last year’s figures so you can compare year on year.
The Enhanced Services Tracker can also be used to forecast your ES income.
We have also included an additional summary page for you to add other enhanced services including local services - you just need to add in the cost of the service and the additional summary page will track expected income, all in one place.
** This discounted product is available to Insight Members only **
This tool will simply record the claims you have submitted and the payments you should expect to receive. Once payments are received you can then check them via the tracker rather than having to find them on CQRS. Recording all this information in one place will help you to track what you have/haven’t claimed throughout the year and your income throughout the year for all enhanced services - you can also add last year’s figures so you can compare year on year.
The Enhanced Services Tracker can also be used to forecast your ES income.
We have also included an additional summary page for you to add other enhanced services including local services - you just need to add in the cost of the service and the additional summary page will track expected income, all in one place.
** This discounted product is available to Insight Members only **
£ 30
Enhanced Service Tracker 2024/25 (Non-Members only)

This tool will simply record the claims you have submitted and the payments you should expect to receive. Once payments are received you can then check them via the tracker rather than having to find them on CQRS. Recording all this information in one place will help you to track what you have/haven’t claimed throughout the year and your income throughout the year for all enhanced services - you can also add last year’s figures so you can compare year on year.
The Enhanced Services Tracker can also be used to forecast your ES income.
We have also included an additional summary page for you to add other enhanced services including local services - you just need to add in the cost of the service and the additional summary page will track expected income, all in one place.
This tool will simply record the claims you have submitted and the payments you should expect to receive. Once payments are received you can then check them via the tracker rather than having to find them on CQRS. Recording all this information in one place will help you to track what you have/haven’t claimed throughout the year and your income throughout the year for all enhanced services - you can also add last year’s figures so you can compare year on year.
The Enhanced Services Tracker can also be used to forecast your ES income.
We have also included an additional summary page for you to add other enhanced services including local services - you just need to add in the cost of the service and the additional summary page will track expected income, all in one place.
£ 60