GMS Contract & QOF 2024/25

Friday 5th Apr 2024

Total points available have not changed - 635 points broken down into clinical (401), public health (160) and QI (74). 179 points are non-prevalence weighted, so based on your list size, however, 446 are prevalence weighted so the value of these still depend on the accuracy of registers.

32 indicators (212 points) are income protected - what does this actually mean? It means the practice will not be penalised for falling performance, for example, if you achieved 4 out of 6 points for MH021 last year and this year you only achieve 3 despite taking the same actions as last year, you will be paid for 4 points. However, on the flip side, if you achieve all 6 points this year, you will be paid for 4 - not the best incentive to improve, you can improve but you won’t be paid for it - I just sighed out loud!!

Let’s talk more about income protection - we believe this should really be called points protection to make it a little more transparent. Prevalence adjustments still apply - so whilst your points are protected, the value of the point will still fluctuate depending on practice prevalence (register list size). QOF Prevalence Health Checks really are going to be important; with you not being able to increase achievement across 32 indicators, it is essential you ensure your point value does not drop. For information on our QOF prevalence Health Check please email

Other significant changes include:

Cholesterol - 2-coded invites will now remove patients from the cholesterol denominators and other PCA’s now apply to CHOL004 including maximum tolerated, declined and unsuitable due to contraindications or intolerances

Ambulatory BP’s will now be recognised as well as home BP readings - Emis practices especially will be happy with this addition!

As usual, we will be covering all of the changes in our up-coming webinars and seminars. Content will only include what you need to know, we will take out all of the ‘nice-to-know’ information so you leave with only the ‘must-know’.

Webinars you can book an individual place on include:

8th May @ 2pm

16th May @ 2pm

Alternatively we can deliver locality-based webinars - if there are a group of you who want to attend this option will likely work out much more cost-effective.

Also this year we are considering bringing back locality seminars - we still love seeing your guys, webinars are so convenient but not the same as meeting in person. If there is sufficient demand, we will run a local seminar which will also include enhanced services, Network Contract DES and lots of other hints & tips and best practice. Register your interest in a local seminar by emailing us.

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