QOF 2024/25 Invite Codes

Wednesday 8th May 2024


New invitation codes have been included this year for cholesterol - all patients on any QOF disease register should be offered a minimum of two invitations for care within each QOF year i.e. 1 April – 31 March. If these invitations are correctly coded, they will be identified through the business rules and there will be no need to add additional personalised care adjustment codes at year-end to indicate that a patient has not responded to these invitations - the patient will automatically be ‘excepted’ as soon as you code the 2nd invitation.

It is still appropriate to code patients unsuitable (so no invitations are extended) but the use of informed dissent codes should only be recorded where a patient is choosing not to be reviewed and has had a discussion with a HCP.

A complete list of invitation codes for each disease area is now available for Insight Members to download from the portal

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