Case Study - QOF Prevalence Health Check with Follow-Up

Thursday 9th Jan 2025

  • Based in a historic market town in South England
  • 18,366 patients - 80% larger than the average practice
  • Adjusted £ Per point is £406.65 (£220.62 for the average practice) - 179 QOF points are not dependant on prevalence (non-weighted) so are each worth £406.65
  • 48% practice population is 50 years+ - average is 36% - practice should expect high prevalence rates for many areas on this basis as many QOF disease areas generally affect a more elderly population
  • Remaining 456 points are based on practice v national prevalence - high/low prevalence is not wrong, it just needs to be accurate

So what does this mean in reality?

Insight’s QOF Health Check Analysis identified a realistic £15,720.89in missed income annually - from patient’s missed off registers - a few examples include:

CKD - 392 patients not on the register - 6 points - total missed income £1,512

Dementia - 25 patients not on the register - 19 points - total missed income £1,425

New depression - 176 patients not on the register - 10 points - total missed income £3,454.04

Osteoporosis - 121 patients not on the register - 3 points - total missed income £1,697

£8k+ from 4 disease areas, it’s easy to see how this can mount up. Ok, so this is the easy bit, we are often asked how much work does the practice then have to do? Answer, it’s up to you, you do need to do all you can to ensure patient records are accurate, up-to-date and relevant for the care they need, without the right diagnosis added, can you ensure this? The other common question is, if we do this work, how much will it affect our QOF achievement? CKD and osteoporosis have no associated points; you cannot lose anything, adding the correct patients to the register will only increase the value of the register points. Adding patients to register may well affect your points total if you do not offer appropriate care to patients, however, the example above, the amount they are currently missing out on is valued at 37 QOF points (based on their average £ per point).

Data Quality Follow-Up

Many patients identified do not need to be reviewed by a clinician, they most likely already have been, however, due to lack of availability within practice teams, our non-clinical coding team can do much of this work for you. Following on from 2 follow-up days:

  • 476 patients reviewed, 272 patients added to registers (we can review around 150/200 patients per day)
  • Total cost to the practice - £1,380 inc VAT
  • Income generated - £7,419.44
  • Actual profit so far … - £6,039.44
  • There are still more patients to be reviewed, however, 2 days follow-up have increased practice QOF income substantially
  • This is your money, you have already earnt it, you’re just not claiming it
  • This is an annual loss/increase

So, is it worth it, well from the above figures, we think so. We all think our database is accurate but unless you analyse it, you’ll never know and in this day and age, we need every penny we can get (especially when you have already earnt it!) For more information, contact us. Oh did I mention, it also comes with a 100% money back guarantee if we don’t find more missed income than the service costs!

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