DISCLAIMER: These news articles are accurate at time of print.
Emis Web GP Appointment Exception Flags
Following last month’s edition, so many Emis practices asked about the release of their GPAD exception codes (previously released to S1 practices). See update from Emis below: GP Appointment Excepti... more
2 Oct 2023Emis Web - SNOMED CT Update
Emis have announced they have successfully completed their SNOMED CT pilot phase. They are now preparing for an initial controlled rollout, to ensure they deliver a safe deployment of SNOMED CT across... more
2 Sep 2019Open Exeter Toolkit - Childhood Immunisations (Emis Web ONLY)
Is this a job which your admin team love to hate? Does someone in your admin team spend a whole day inputting the dates for your childhood immunisations?... more
1 Mar 2019EMIS WEB - Flu Pop-Ups
For practices using Emis Web, do you have a policy for staff to use the pop-up as a determining factor for whether a flu vaccine is appropriate? If so, one of the triggers for the Flu alert is "lives... more
4 Oct 2018Exception codes for palliative care register
Introduced in V35 rule sets – the codes below will now remove patients from your palliative care register.... more
10 May 2017