DISCLAIMER: These news articles are accurate at time of print.
CQRS - New Website
CQRS National - national payment system to support payments for national/ direct enhanced services (DES). This is the area we are most used to using and more aware of. CQRS Local - designed to faci... more
1 Feb 2025Navigating CQRS Webinar
Do you have members of staff new to CQRS or taking on additional responsibility? We are increasingly being asked to deliver an intro to CQRS, to help members of staff where to look and what to look fo... more
16 Apr 2024CQRS - Enhanced Services
Enhanced Services for 2022/23 supported by CQRS MMR vaccination programme Rotavirus (Routine childhood immunisation vaccination programme) Learning disabilities health check scheme... more
3 Jun 2022CQRS - Browser Compatibility
As part of ensuring users get the best experience, NHS England are requesting all users check they are accessing the CQRS service using the latest versions on their web browser software.... more
1 Jun 2019FP34D - What can you claim for?
For more information on what to claim, when and how, request information on our FP34D Manager Pack... more
4 Nov 2018Change of settings in CQRS
CQRS have changed their settings. Last year any reports that were outstanding were highlighted in yellow, but this year it has changed and its catching people out.... more
2 Jan 2018Hepatitis B (newborn) babies vaccination programme 2017/18
In order to accommodate changes in the SFE from October 2017, some amendments have been made to CQRS. These will be effective in CQRS from 01/11/2017.... more
10 Dec 2017