Coding Training - back to basics ...

Sunday 2nd Feb 2025

Turnover of staff and up-skilling existing staff have led to us receiving many requests for coding training over the last couple of months. Would your staff benefit from some expert coding training?

On the basis the correct code (out of a pool of around 360,000 codes) determines practice income and patient care, it is always staggering how little investment practices make in coding training for their staff - and we mean all staff because all staff enter data and use codes. It can be difficult to know what they need - off-the-shelf training will deliver key messages but is this enough? Then there are the 3-day coding programmes which, quite frankly, I wouldn’t even be able to persuade my geeky lot (their term not mine!) to attend.

So will hit the mark?

Our coding training is bespoke, designed specifically for you, and tailored to address specific needs and goals within the practice - no two sessions are likely to be exactly the same, every practice has a different make-up of staff, abilities, experience so needs differ from one to another. When we are asked to provide coding training, we know this could entail - an overview of coding, how to code in your clinical system, clinical system searches, clinical system templates, QOF, enhanced services, document workflow (reviewing practice processes, tweaking protocols, configuring clinical systems and training coders) and summarising patient records - to name but a few. Codes are pivotal to everything we do so the more relevant topics we can include, the more it will benefit your team. We also know trainees could be new to general practice right through to more experienced members of staff who just needs a refresh, they can be clinical, non-clinical, ARRS, and in cases, they can include all of these!

Our remote, hands-on training will deliver exactly what you need to who needs it. Within a half-day/full-day training, we can cover multiple areas above, to multiple groups, we can also flex the training as questions crop up throughout the session. You tell us your goal and we will deliver a solution to meet it.

Half-day - £350 + VAT

Full-day - £650 + VAT

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