GP Connect - Update Record

Friday 12th Jul 2024

GP Connect is software which allows other healthcare settings to see relevant and important information in patient’s GP records - medication, allergies, etc.

GP Connect Update Record is where 3rd parties can send structured data straight into patient records. Previously only community pharmacies could use this, however, from now, unless it is switched off, any 3rd party with access could send data to the patient record.

It has been recommended, for the foreseeable future, you switch this functionality off - however, this is very much a practice decision. As data controllers, you are responsible for the datal; whilst there is no doubt this functionality will save time in the long run, cutting out a lot of data entry double handling, currently there are no processes in place for you to manage this data, there are potential data quality issues, all of which could led to medico-legal implications.

By temporarily switching this off, this will not stop NHS111 being able to book slots, nor will it stop COVID data being available as it is currently.

The BMA have published a really useful article/FAQs along with instructions for both Emis Web and SystmOne on how to disable this functionality:

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