QOF Prevalence

Monday 9th Sep 2024

We cannot stress how important it is, especially this year, protecting some indicators does mean your QOF achievement is likely to be fairly static this year but this does not mean your income will be.

Many practices are validating registers to ensure their prevalence is accurate - so for those who don’t, if national prevalence figures increase (and the more who do validate registers, the more likely it is to increase), your static prevalence figure will move further away from the national figure which will result in a loss of income.

High/low prevalence is not wrong - however inaccurate prevalence will cost you and with the current financial squeeze on Primary Care, we urge you to ensure you are being paid accurately for the work you are doing.

Patient A missed off the CHD register - they won’t be recalled but you can bet they will still have their review. They will phone to make an appointment with the receptionist, they will have bloods taken by the phlebotomist, they will see the nurse for their review, maybe even a doctor and the pharmacist may need to review their meds. All of these staff members involved in their care and you are effectively not being paid for the CHD care as they are not on the register. A lot of resources for no return doesn’t make good business sense to us. Contact us for more information on our money-back guarantee QOF Health Check or to talk through your practice prevalence figures/concerns.

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