These can be created to run alongside the auto-review rules engine or they can be used to help prompt good practice in general. Essentially they are designed to alert you to something you may need to be aware of. An example of this (and one which is available for Insight Members to download from Your Portal) is HbA1c result filed, patient is not on the NDH or DM register, a note will pop up to ask if you want to add the patient to the NDH register as their result indicates pre-diabetes. If you answer yes, it will add the code to the patients record, if you answer no it will ask if you want to send a further task for action - so repeat test or sending onto clinician (as per your practice protocol).
These enhancements are freely available within SystmOne, you do not require any additional software or costs associated with additional software for this functionality. Yes, they take time to create, however, they save a great deal of time and mean your admin team can take some of the clinical admin burden away.
Insight Members - available to download on the portal is the NDH protocol mentioned above as well as a HbA1c >48 protocol which will check for a 2nd HbA1c in the last 12 months. If it finds one, it will pop up and ask if you want to add DM diagnosis or again send a task for action.
For more information on either of these software options, do not hesitate to contact us.