There has been a lot of noise around the Care Quality Commission including the key reports by Dr Penny Dash and Sir Mike Richards. Key concerns were identified about the Single Assessment Framework (SAF) and its application:
- the way in which the SAF is described is poorly laid out on the CQC website, not well communicated internally or externally, and uses vague language
- there is limited information available for providers and users or patients as to what care looks like under each of the ratings categories, resulting in a lack of consistency in how care is assessed and a lost opportunity for improvement
- there are questions about how data on user and patient experience is collected and used
- more could be done to support and encourage innovation in care delivery
- there is insufficient attention paid to the effectiveness of care and a lack of focus on outcomes (including inequalities in outcomes)
- there is no reference to use of resources or the efficient and economic delivery of care, which is a significant gap
- there is little reference to, or acknowledgement of, the challenges in balancing risk and ensuring high-quality care across an organisation or wider health and care system
An immediate change has been the removal of scoring at evidence level. Scoring will now take place at quality statement and key question level with those being aggregated to produce an overall score, converted into a rating.
What do you need to do now?
The CQC remain the regulator and whilst some changes may take place, they will expect every provider to be delivering a safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led service with robust, available evidence mapped against each quality statement.
Would you like a simple, online self-assessment platform that details the evidence needed for the 34 quality statements? If so, this is the platform for you.
Detailed within the 5 key questions, you and your team can work through each section creating your own action planning tool to becoming CQCFIT.
You can drill down into each Quality Statement, checking your evidence requirements for each key question.
- We don’t store your evidence so no need for duplication - it complements your existing systems.
- This has been developed by a practice manager by background who has also worked as a CQC specialist adviser since 2014 and delivers a lot of CQC expert support including training and mock inspections.
- It is easy to use and costs just £249+VAT per annum with new features launching soon! start your CQCFIT journey