DISCLAIMER: These news articles are accurate at time of print.
REMOTE – bite-sized dial-in services
The perfect solution for many practices to address an issue you may have which would not justify paying for a consultant to come to the practice – each service only £60 inc VAT... more
2 Jan 2018Vaccine ordering information for the children’s national flu vaccination programme
Information for 2017 to 2018 GPs will be subject to allocation based controls similar to last year.... more
3 Oct 2017The Shingles Vaccination Calculator
Who’s eligible – use the interactive calculator to check by simply entering patient’s DOB... more
3 Oct 2017Eligibility of children for flu vaccines
Giving a second dose of Fluenz Tetra The patient information leaflet provided with LAIV states that children should be given two doses of this vaccine if they have not had flu vaccine before.... more
1 Oct 2017Shingles 2017
Shingles was previously offered to patients aged 70 years with a phased catch-up programme.... more
3 Jul 2017Calling school leavers for MenACWY
Teenagers born between 01/09/1998-31/08/1999 (2017 school leaver cohort) are now eligible for urgent catch-up with MenACWY vaccination... more
1 Jul 2017Supporting routine frailty identification through the GP Contract 2017/18
Support for older people living with frailty is one the 3 areas the NHS faces ‘particular challenges’ with.... more
6 Jun 2017