DISCLAIMER: These news articles are accurate at time of print.
Healthy Living for people with type 2 diabetes: direct GP practice and self-referral routes now available
People living with T2 diabetes and their carers can now self-refer via the Healthy Living NHS website. GP practices can still continue to refer patients via a referral form.... more
3 Apr 2023Version 2 referral template NHS Digital Weight Management Programme
Version 1 of the Digital Weight Management Programme e-referral template will expire on 31 March 2023. Following this date, GP practices must submit e-RS referrals to the new service name:... more
3 Apr 2023IIF - Tackling Health Inequalities
The health action plan is an integral part of the requirements of this indicator; this is a 2-part process, to include follow-up support for their health & well-being. The indicator supplements...... more
20 Jan 2023NHS App messaging service roll out begins
NHS Digital is working with suppliers to introduce NHS App messaging in general practice so patients can receive messages from their practice through the NHS App instead of traditional... more
1 Jan 2023Coding unpaid carers
The NHS Long Term Plan (LTP) makes a clear commitment to identify and support unpaid carers - there are clear metrics associated with supporting young carers and ensuring professionals can access care... more
20 Dec 2022Appointments in General Practice
NHS Digital is making this data available so you can understand some activity in general practice and also to help with winter pressures.... more
6 Dec 2022Winter preparations - variants of COVID-19 and respiratory challenges
Pulse oximeters continue to be available to provide better support for people at home. Pulse oximeters are available to request free of charge and can be ordered online -... more
3 Nov 2022Offering patients access to their future health information
From 1 November 2022, most patients aged 16 and over with an online account (such as through the NHS App or other patient online apps) will automatically be able to view new entries in their GP health... more
27 Oct 2022Support for GPs & PCNs during winter 2022/23
The following changes are being made to the Network Contract DES to help support practices throughout the winter. This will free up approximately £37m which will be allocated to PCNs via a monthly PC... more
25 Oct 2022Workforce data – reminder to PCNs and Practices
NHS Digital extract the latest general practice and PCN workforce data from the National Workforce Reporting Service (NWRS) at the end of each month. Practices and PCNs should log into their... more
11 Oct 2022