DISCLAIMER: These news articles are accurate at time of print.
Updated guidance on the use of NHSNoReply
The updated National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) guidance aims to reduce the number of SMS Sender IDs used across the NHS, to ensure the sender ID reflects the service the patient is using and reduce... more
5 Nov 2024Sub-Dermal Contraceptive Implants (Nexplanon)
From 1st January 2025, GP practices will be able to order sub-dermal contraceptive implants (Nexplanon) directly from the supplier and claim back the cost. This will be detailed in the published Sta... more
18 Oct 2024NHS App update webinar
Join NHS England’s Policy and Engagement and NHS App teams for an update on the NHS App – on Tuesday 24 September at 11:30am to 12:30pm. In this session we will be joined by the Proxy Access team fo... more
2 Sep 2024Labour’s new employment law changes
Labour have promised to introduce a huge wave of employment laws which could come into effect from as early as October 2024. The devil will be in the detail so we await that, however, the changes are... more
21 Aug 2024RSV Codes
RSV codes (for September programme) currently available include -... more
9 Jul 2024Children 13-16 Working Permits
In last month’s edition, we included an article around work permits. Any employer who allows a child of school age to work, without obtaining a work permit, is breaking the law (even if they are... more
5 Jun 2024On-Line Weight Loss Programme
More than 14,000 have already completed the 12-week programme. Online plan offers diet, guidance, and physical activity advice, helping people to achieve a more healthy lifestyle.... more
16 May 2024Inhaler Technique - Pharmacy Technicians
One of the changes in the guidance this year relates to inhaler technique - the wording in the indicator has not changed but the guidance now states “the indicator explicitly requires an assessment... more
1 May 2024GP Contract 2024/25
Top level details of the new GP Contract from April 2024 have now been released. At this stage, our recommendation would be - DON’T PANIC - there is currently no substance to the information... more
6 Mar 2024Pharmacy First – updating patient records
Following on from our article in the January newsletter, Pharmacy First will go live from 31st January 2024. As part of the commitment to roll-out a new Pharmacy First service, NHS England is funding... more
8 Feb 2024