QOF Hints & Tips

Monday 1st Jul 2024

Smoking- users of electronic cigarettes who have never smoked or given up smoking should be classified as non-smokers or ex-smokers respectively.

Non-responder invite codes following objective tests- applies to HbA1c indicators, BP and cholesterol indicators - those where there is a specific measurement to achieve. In order for the 2 non-responder codes to apply, they must be the last entries relating to the indicator, e.g. one invite sent, patient attends for cholesterol test which is outside of the parameters so 2nd invite sent - you will need to send a further invite for the patient to be removed from your target.

BP’s - the target for home BP readings is slightly different to the targets for clinic BP readings. We are receiving a few queries asking why patients are still appearing when their BP is in range. Ensure your clinicians are recording the correct format (home or clinic) as this could affect your achievement.


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